Mysterious Realm Discovered PUBLISHED at 6:18 am, 6.10.2016
Scientists hunting for planets far beyond our solar system within the known universe have discovered the first world it seems to act as a gateway or "waypoint" to all other places within the Known Universe. Hand holds some aspects of all the planets and worlds upon it's ground as we know it.
Of all the hundreds of so-called exoplanets found or realms and etc were nothing compared to this centerfold place. It seems to have inhabitants who live upon it but not that many - and it happens to be the best kept secret of the Universe up until now when it suddenly made itself known. |
Why it appeared within a space that scientists had already studied - and what it's public appearance actually means seems to remain a mystery; could the appearance of this world mean the end of others - or the end of races and civilizations as we know it? Will we finally be able to answer the questions of life? And are the inhabitants of the Unknown world friendly or here to cause issues. We can only await until contact is made from either side to be able to fully comprehend what this new discovery truly means.