|O V E R -A L L S I N S O F A N E S I D O R A |
Family Betrayal.
Breaking Blood Ties. - On Anesidora creating blood ties with another individual, or with a family is considered a great honor. It shows loyalty, increases power, promotes trust and honesty.
Sex Slaves. - Slavery is slightly looked down upon but it's using any species for a means of pleasure/reproduction that is looked down upon - whether it's against their will or not.
Sex is looked down upon and shunned on Anesidora - its like having a scarlet letter on your body. If one partakes in such an action and it is found out about they are usually banished from their Bloodline Faction only able to join the "Other Factions" which is a area on Anesidora where the "Unwanted" goes.
Breaking Blood Ties. - On Anesidora creating blood ties with another individual, or with a family is considered a great honor. It shows loyalty, increases power, promotes trust and honesty.
Sex Slaves. - Slavery is slightly looked down upon but it's using any species for a means of pleasure/reproduction that is looked down upon - whether it's against their will or not.
Sex is looked down upon and shunned on Anesidora - its like having a scarlet letter on your body. If one partakes in such an action and it is found out about they are usually banished from their Bloodline Faction only able to join the "Other Factions" which is a area on Anesidora where the "Unwanted" goes.