Moon Occultist - Those who believe in the ways of the dark. They believe that Darkness is the independent- It was first before light and that without darkness, without evil there would be no good in the world. The Moon Occultists believe that their actions are always just and their individual acts of injustice is for the greater good of the world. They believe that their is no wrong in anything that they do and will blindly walk through the darkness guided by the moon. And that on each full moon their "Hand switch" inside of their bodies is rebooted - and like a computer they are cleansed of all their wrong doings no matter how cruel or dark. They believe that Anesidora is headed in the right direction - that the mists are a good thing it is a way to cleanse itself and its people so they actually aide it by killing off the boarder guards when they can to help aid in the "reboot" of the realm. (These are usually your rp characters that are water, and dark based in some way)
Sun Occultist - The Sun Occultists are those who believe in the opposite of the Moon Occultists they believe in the ways of light. They believe that Light is independent and it is Darkness that is dependent upon it. Without light there would be no darkness. The light Occultists believe that you should always do your best and do as much good in the world as possible that evil is a spawn created by light which must be banished by using light against the darkness. They believe that the more good you do the closer you get to the heavens. They believe that Anesidora is in need of saving - and have come to the conclusion that Anesidora's light is
burning out due to the Moon Occultist which is why it is being shrouded by this evil which is trying to consume it. (These are usually your rp characters that are fire and light based in some way)
Chaos Occultist - Believe that Anesidora is alive. That is is a being in turmoil - that is having an internal battle of some sort within itself which is causing it to create the unexplained. They believe that Anesidora is unhappy with the fact that all the humans have been destroyed and that the humans were a beacon for it to somehow communicate with the rest of its family (the gods and goddesses) They believe that killing off both the sun and the moon occultists will be a good enough sacrifice to please the realm. (These are usually your earth, chaotic, and air rp based characters)
Shield of Faith- This isn't a religious group but rather a group of individuals who wish for none other than for the Occultists to stop their civil wars against each other. For everyone to stop blaming one another and realize that what was done has been done and its because it's the natural order of things now due to the fact that everyone played a part in bringing about their own destruction. They believe that fighting one another isn't going to help
anyone in the end - but working together will.
The Incorporated (Inc.) Is an artificial intelligence corporation built for specifically one purpose - to increase the numbers of alien life-forms. They utilize machinery left behind by fallen alien races - and some steam punk and cybernetic machinery of the humans to bring back and create new species and to create artificial realms and worlds. They occasionally experiment with trying to create an organic human life-form, creating time-loops, and creating weapons capable enough to destroy entire worlds. Incorporated is nothing more than a building run by a giant computer with high defenses and workers unable to leave the building inside. The crime rate and death inside the corporation is high - because the only way to get promoted is if someone dies. Incorporated provides everything that the aliens that work for it need from the inside. The police inside of Incorporated are known as "Big Brother" Who keep a constant eye
on all of its employee's and monitor, subject and plan everything that everyone is to do from within the building.
The Mafia - These are individual small groups with their own individual agenda's - mostly these people have a ruthless behavioral code and rule set On Anesidora they try to prosper financially working with both regular and space pirates in a lack market or underground moving both slaves and product to the Occultist helping them increase their numbers and fire power against one another. The Mafia's also has their own agenda as a collective group
known as Carnage and their objective is to take down The Incorporated (Inc).
Sun Occultist:
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |
Moon Occultist:
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |
Chaos Occultist:
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |
Shield of Faith:
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |
Victories: Followers: ---Defeating:--- Moon: Chaos: Shield: Inc: Mafia: |